
Jeff and Sherry Grant

``Missionaries in our own backyard``

In 2013, after two years of running iServe alongside a full-time job, Jeff and Sherry felt led to do more with the ministry than time would allow. They stepped out in faith to pursue the calling, and faithfully watched as God brought people alongside the ministry to help support them.


In addition to running iServe, Jeff is also a Student Pastor, serving in a local church. Sherry usually works from home serving as Treasurer of iServe, managing volunteers and organizing the Bags of Love program.


Jeff enjoys teaching the youth and occasionally preaching at church. Sherry leads the AV team and is on the Women’s Leadership Team at their church. Both Jeff and Sherry are huge Florida Gator fans!


More than anything Jeff and Sherry desire to see their community won for the Lord. By meeting people’s physical needs, they hope for the opportunity to show people their need for Christ, the true Bread of Life, and the Living Water.


“We would love to be able to devote 100% of our work effort to ministry, through iServe and our church. We look forward to continuing to serve the people in our community with more programs as God allows us more time and resources.”

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